Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim President of PSU

Featured University Management
It is the pleasure of Port Said University to congratulate Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim on his assignment as a President...
Leadership Positions at PSU

Leadership Positions at PSU

Featured University Management
Announcement of Leadership Positions NO 2/2020 Announcement
Port Said University joined THE World University Rankings

Port Said University joined THE World University Rankings

Libraries University Management
The University Classification Unit extends the sincere congratulations to the President of Port Said University, Prof. Dr. Ayman Ibrahim Mohamed, vice presidents,...
Community Colleges Subordinate to PSU

Community Colleges Subordinate to PSU

Featured University Management
Sir President Abdul Fattah Alsisi met with Dr Prof. Mustafa Madbuli, prime minister, Dr Prof. Khalid Abdul Ghafour, minister of...
PSU & BUC Collaboration Protocol

PSU & BUC Collaboration Protocol

Research University Management
Dr Prof. Ayman Mohamed Ibrahim, president of Port Said University, signed a mutual collaboration protocol with Eng. Yaser Sayed Abaas...
PSU Council

PSU Council

University Management
Today, under the presidential of Dr Prof. Ayman Mohamed Ibrahim, the university council was held (session No. 145), at the...
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