University And Community Service​

Swimming Pool Complex at the Faculty of Physical Education

Swimming Pool Complex at the Faculty of Physical Education

Administrative Staff Community & Environment University Management
Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, inspected the swimming pool complex at the Faculty of Physical Education,...
Sports Show at the Faculty of Physical Education

Sports Show at the Faculty of Physical Education

Community & Environment Undergraduates University Management
The President of Port Said University, Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, witnessed the sports show (A Message from the Youth of...
One-Classroom School for Community Education

One-Classroom School for Community Education

Community & Environment Featured Featured Home University Management
The President of the University, accompanied by the Governor of Port Said, inspected the classroom, equipment, and development carried out...
Construction Projects at the University

Construction Projects at the University

Community & Environment University Management
Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, and Major General Tariq Saad Zaghloul, Chairman of the Board of...
EduGate 2024

EduGate 2024

Community & Environment University Management
Port Said University, headed by Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, participated in the international forum and exhibition for higher education and...
Protocol with Economic and Investment Entities

Protocol with Economic and Investment Entities

Community & Environment Postgraduates University Management
Within the framework of the state’s policy to achieve sustainable development and to achieve Egypt’s Vision 2030, and in light...
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