University And Community Service
Construction at the Faculty of Engineering 
Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, inspected the construction works at the Faculty of Engineering and the...
Iftar at the Faculty of Specific Education
Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, participated in the Iftar gathering held by the Faculty of Specific...
100 Million Trees Initiative
Port Said University, headed by Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of the University, announced joining the presidential initiative of President...
Fortieth Educational Symposium
Within the framework of the educational seminars organized by the Popular and Military Defense Forces of the Armed Forces in...
Inspirational in Our Lives Symposium
Under the presidential of Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, and the supervision of Prof. Dr Hassan Mohamed Hassan, vice-president for community...
PSU Winner at Huawi ICT Competition
Port Said university won the second place at Huawi ICT Competition for the third time respectively. The award was received...