PSU Classified by QS 2024

Under the Presidential of Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, Port Said University obtained the QS classification for Arab universities for the year 2024 for the third time respectively. The university ranked 171-200 among Arab universities in 18 Arab countries. The President of the University praised the efforts exerted by the Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Sector headed by Prof. Dr Rawya Rizk, to encourage scientific research and international publishing.

It is noteworthy that the British QS classification is one of the notable international classifications in measuring the academic reputation of universities, as it depends on several criteria, including academic reputation, the ratio of faculty members to students, the number of international faculty members, the percentage of international student enrollment, the percentage of doctoral holders, and the percentage of the number of research papers published to the number of faculty members, the ratio of the number of citations, and the influence of the university on the Internet.