PSU Football Team… Surpass

University Management
 Under the auspice of Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, and Dr Prof. Galal Salem, vice-president for education...

Medical Nursing Convoy to Al-Mabarrah Home for the Elderly

University Management
For the second time this week, Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim instructed a medical nursing convoy to visit the home for...

Holy Quran Contest

University Management
Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, witnessed the closing ceremony for the contest of memorizing the Holy Quran...

Medical Nursing Convoy to the Home for the Elderly

University Management
Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim instructed a medical nursing convoy to visit the home for the elderly at Port Fouad on...

2-Null for PSU Team

University Management
Under the auspice of Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, and Dr Prof. Galal Salem, vice-president for education...

Visit by the Minister of Minister of Manpower

University Management
Dr Prof. Ayman Mohamed Ibrahim, president of the university, participated in the reception held by Sir Major General Adel el-...
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