Inauguration of the 6th Conference of the Faculty of Medicine & the 10th Conference for the Egyptian Orthopedic Association
Under the presidential of Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, Port Said University hosted the inauguration of the 6th Conference of the...
Heartfelt Condolences
Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, submits heartfelt condolences on the loss of Sir Major General Sameh Qandil,...
Ideal Mother Celebration
In the frame of the attention paid to strengthen and foster bonds of familiarities with the personnel in the university,...
CUIT Accreditation
In the frame of the attention paid to all sectors in the university, the Central Unit of Information Technology has...
PSU Troupe to Alexandria
Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, checked on the kinetic drama troupe and the Egyptian heritage before travelling...
PSU Protocol with the ESA
Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of Port Said University, signed mutual cooperation protocol with Dr Mohamed al- Qausy, the Egyptian...