
ARU Ranking

Port Said University was honored among a number of Egyptian and Arab universities for inclusion in the first Arab ranking of universities ARU Ranking for the year 2023 in its first edition to open the activities of the 14th session of the International Forum and Exhibition for Higher Education and Training EduGate. The honor was…

Artificial Intelligence Workshop for Academics in cooperation with the University of Liverpool

Port Said University, headed by Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, organized an artificial intelligence workshop for academics, “Creativity and Developing Professional and Research Performance in the Age of Artificial Intelligence,” in cooperation with the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. Dr Rawya Rizk, Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies and Research,…

Egypt Award for Government Excellence Team

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim – President of Port Said University received Ambassador Hisham Badr, Assistant Minister of Planning and Economic Development for Strategic Partnerships, Initiatives and Excellence and General Supervisor of the Egypt Award for Government Excellence, during his chairing the meeting of the Internal Excellence Awards within the activities of the Egypt Award for…

USAID Teacher Excellence Initiative 

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, received a delegation from the Teacher Excellence Initiative (TEI) project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in order to deliver a mobile unit for communications technology in preparation for starting work on the stages of the initiative. The delegation included both Prof….

Training Centers Accreditation Committee

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, received the accreditation renewal committee for the university’s training center, in the presence of Prof. Dr Rawya Rizk, Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and Prof. Dr Islam Shaalan, Executive Director of Information and Prof. Dr Amr Al-Atroush, Director of the Training Center.  The committee is…

Arab Classification of Universities   2023

The first edition of the results of the Arab Classification of Universities 2023, affiliated with the Association of Arab Universities, was announced and stemmed from the combined efforts of the Association of Arab Universities in cooperation with the League of Arab States, the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), and the Union of Arab…

A Course to Prepare Auditors for Higher Education Institutions

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, witnessed a group of courses on “Preparing Auditors for Higher Education Institutions,” which were conducted in cooperation between the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education and Port Said University, represented by the University’s Quality Assurance Center. This was in the presence of Prof….

Governance Ambassadors Initiative

Port Said University is the first Egyptian university to activate the “Governance Ambassadors” initiative in cooperation with the National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development. Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, received representatives of the National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development, Dr Amr Nabil, Head of the Corporate Governance Sector, and…

42nd Annual Conference of Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture Department

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, president of Port Said University, witnessed the 42nd annual conference of “Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture” at the Faculty of Engineering, which is held annually, in the presence of Prof. Dr Rawya Rizk, Vice-President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Prof. Dr Taha Farag, Dean of the Faculty of…

National Authority for Educational Quality Assurance and Accreditation Review Team

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, received the review team of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Education, in the presence of Prof. Dr Rawya Rizk, Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr Jamal Mohamed Mahmoud Al-Maghrabi (head of the visiting team), Prof. Dr Ismat Mohamed Abdel…