The Ahl Masr newspaper mentioned that Prof. Dr. Ayman Mohamed Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, and Dr. Jalal Salem, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, were following up with the deans and vice-presidents of the university faculties, the latest preparations for the colleges to receive final-year students in the various faculties of the university, starting tomorrow, Wednesday, 7/1/2020; To take exams for the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020.
He followed what was prepared in the halls and places of examination committees and medical departments, in light of the preventive and precautionary measures to confront the emerging corona virus.
The President of Port Said University is following up with the deans of the university’s faculties the latest preparations for receiving final-year students tomorrow
The university president confirmed that the degree of preparations in the university’s colleges has been raised. This is with the start of the end of the year exams, indicating that devices have been provided to spray and sterilize the stands and examination rooms before and after entering the students, in addition to providing thermal detectors to measure the temperature of the students before entering the exams and providing large quantities of chlorine and disinfectants necessary for the sterilization work; For the security and safety of students.
As for university cities, all the students’ needs were provided, including disinfectants, masks and other means of safety and security, workshops and disinfection of all university city buildings and the provision of ready and dry meals for students