University Management

PSU President Checks on Graduation Projects

In the framework of the attention paid to the scientific research, the President of the University Dr Prof.  Ayman Ibrahim checked on the progress of graduation projects of the faculty of engineering. The President asserted on the keenness of the university to support these projects and researches with every possible facility.      

Heartfelt Condolences

Dr Prof. Ibrahim Ayman, president of the university, submits heartfelt condolences on the loss of Mrs Jihan el- Sadat, wife of the late President Mohamed Anwar el- Sadat. May Allah bless her soul with mercy and forgiveness.   

PSU Tops Scientific Journals

The Supreme Council of Universities launches the assessment of the scientific journals for July 2021. Notably to say, Port Said University kept the progress pace straight. On this occasion, the President of the University submits sincere congratulations to Dr Prof. Rawia Rizq, vice-president for scientific research and postgraduate studies, the deans, and the vice-deans for…

A Visit by PSU President to the Faculties

In the frame of the attention paid to the educational process, especially during exams, Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, accompanied by Dr Prof. Galal Salem, vice-president for students and educational affairs, visited the faculty of education, the faculty science, and the faculty of management technology and information systems. During the visits, the…

A Visit to Nursing and Commerce

Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, accompanied by Dr Prof. Galal Salem, vice-president for students and educational affairs, visited the faculty of nursing to check on electronic testing of the students, in the frame of the national project of e-testing for the medical sector in the universities. After that, the President of the…

Reception for the AE

In the frame of the effective participation of the university in the national project of adult education, Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, held a reception to Dr Prof. Ashour Amry, Chief Executive Officer of the General Authority for Adult Education. The reception was attended by Dr Prof. Maha Zakarya, vice- president for…


Port Said University argues all students not to interact with rumors spread on social media concerning exams at the faculty of arts. And thus, the university decided to move the exams to the faculty of physical education as a keenness to apply all the precautions during the pandemic. On this concern, the President of the…


Port Said University argues all students not to interact with rumors spread on social media concerning exams at the faculty of arts. And thus, the university decided to move the exams to the faculty of physical education as a keenness to apply all the precautions during the pandemic. On this concern, the President of the…

PSU at Newspapers

Al Akhbar Alyoum newspaper, in its edition on Saturday, June 19, 2021, shed lights on the achievements accomplished at Port Said University under the presidential of Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim.  

Foreign Students Application

Application announcement for foreign students to join Egyptian universities and institutes for the academic year 2021\2022 Visit Click