Cultural Relations

National Louis University Scholarship

National Louis University welcomes students, who have vision on strengthen the intercultural understanding, and offers them a two years scholarships under the slogan You Are Welcome Here For more details and subscription

ASIC’s IDEAS² 2022

American Institute of Steel Construction provides a reward for the innovative design in engineering and architecture using (IDEAS²). For more details and subscription

Introductory Seminars

   In the frame of the attention paid by the culture section, the culture office at Montreal announces hosting three introductory seminars stating the available programs from Tuesday, April 20- till Thursday, April 21, 2021. Alberta University 20\4\2021 Western University 21\4\2021 Waterlo University 22\4\2021

Master in Accounting Scholarship

INTO program in accounting is provided for students to enroll in the next semester at Illinois University. More details and application

Master in Bioinformatics Scholarship

Students who passed the INTO program have advance to apply for the master degree in bioinformatics from Mason University. More details and application

Bond Scholarship

The Australian Bond University offers scholarships to emigrant students to obtain bachelor degrees and postgraduate studies degree for the academic year 2021. Deadline: October 15, 2021 Form E-Mail:

Edith Cowan Scholarship

The Australian Edith Cowan University offers scholarships to emigrant students to obtain master degree from selected countries who applied to obtain master degree for the academic year 2021. Deadline: July 31, 2021 Apply

DW Academy Scholarship

 DW Academy offers scholarships to excellent students to obtain master degree in mass media administration. Students should apply to a four semester scholarship at Germany as provided by the academy for the academic year 2021-2022.   Deadline: March 31, 2021 Form

Otago Scholarship

New Zealand Otago University offers scholarships to excellent emigrant students specialized in business administration and humane science to obtain master degree in business administration. Students should apply to a one-year scholarship as provided by the university for the academic year 2021-2022. Deadline: April 30, 2021 Apply E-Mail: