Climate Change

Prof. Dr Rawya Rizq Interview with Qanal TV

Prof. Dr Rawya Rizq, vice-president for postgraduate studies and scientific research, was a guest at Qanal TV program to talk about the participation of Port Said University at the COP 27.   

Activities of PSU’s Participation in COP27

Port Said University contributed to the COP 27 on the day dedicated to the fifth goal of the sustainable development goals with a radio interview with Prof. Rawya Rizk, vice-president for postgraduate studies and scientific research. The interview was conducted life by the Egyptian Radio to explain the university’s contribution to the climate change case…

Activities of Port Said University’s participation in COP27

Today, Port Said University’s participation in COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh continued for the fifth consecutive day, with the participation of the second university delegation headed by Prof.  Rawya Rizk, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, and the presence of Prof. Mohamed Bassiouni, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Director of the Natural Gas Program at…

Carbon Reduction Day at COP 27

On the fourth day at COP 27, Port Said University participated in the Carbon Reduction Day with a seminar on the activities on Port Said University on Climate Changes. The seminar was attended and shared in by Prof. Ayman Mohamed, president of the university, and was attended by a number of the presidents of the…

PSU Art Piece at COP 27

Port Said University participated in a distinguished art piece in COP27 in the open exhibition in the Green Zone in Sharm El-Sheikh, designed and implemented by the artist, Prof. Mahmoud Saleh, Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Specific Education, Port Said University. The sculpture of the fisherman is the embodiment of a statue…

Port Said University at COP 27

For the third day, Port Said University is present at COP 27 at Sharm el- Sheikh under the presidential of Prof. Ayman Mohamed to attend Science Day at the Blue Zone in Horus Hall. The event was honored by the attendance of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Minister of Health, and the…

PSU President at COP 27

Under the presidential of Prof. Ayman Mohamed, Port Said University participated in the COP 27 at Sharm el- Sheikh. The participation is in the frame of being one of the best twelve Egyptian universities to be present at the partition of Higher Education and Scientific Research at the conference. The President of the University was…

PSU is a Winner with Two Projects

Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, congratulated the winners of the research projects within the national initiation in the framework of the executive plan of the Ministry of Higher Education and Postgraduate Studies Scientific Research sector at the university led by Dr Prof. Rawya Rizk. The winning projects are: Research project: “Assessment of…