ورشة تدريبية مقدمة من بنك المعرفة المصرى عن Publication Ethics and Research Misconduct

يسر بنك المعرفة بدعوة حضراتكم لحضور ورشة تدريبية بعنوان

Publication Ethics and Research Misconduct

يوم:الأثنين 28-06-2021 الساعة 11 صباحا

رابط الورشة التدريبية

The workshop will cover the following:
What constitute the best practices in publication ethics
How to effectively spot and avoid research misconduct
Institutional guidelines and policies for research ethics adherence inside universities
Best practices on authorship ethics: first, corresponding authorships and acknowledgment
Authors duties in conflict-of-interest situations
Guidelines and ethics in peer review processes