Under the auspice of Prof. Dr Sherif Youssef Saleh, President of Port Said University, and Prof. Dr Ahmed Bayoumi, Supervisor of the General Administration of Student Care, the Cultural and Artistic Activity Department of the General Administration of Student Care implemented a religious chanting competition. The competition was supervised by Dr Saeed Barghouth, Assistant Professor in the Department of Music Education at the Faculty of Specific Education. The student Abdul Rahman Rabie, Faculty of Arts, and the student Iman Tariq Saeed, Faculty of Science, won (first place), and Abdullah Al-Sayed, Faculty of Nursing, won (second place), and Ahmed Tamim Al-Tamimi, Faculty of Commerce. This was under the supervision of Ms. Sara Jalal Mustafa, Director of the Cultural and Artistic Activity Department at the University, Ibrahim Al-Nams, Director of the Social Activity Department, and Marwa Muhammad Al-Sayed, Technical Specialist in the Department.