Lecture ‘Pictures of Pictures: The Islamic Critique of Orientalism in 20th-Century Egypt’

Until today, the discussion on Orientalism has been dominated by intellectuals based in the US and in the UK, in the steps of Edward Said’s seminal work. To get a broader perspective on the issue, it seems crucial to get an insight into the criticisms of the Western gaze on the Middle East in the Arab countries themselves.

In this presentation, Prof. Ahmed Hasan Anwar (Port Said University) presented a lecture on authors whose main reference in their criticisms is Islam, highlighting their key concepts and shared genealogies.

The lecture took place at the University of Ghent and targeted graduates, the press, staff, and students.

In his comment, Prof Aymon Kreil (Ghent University) considered what these authors can teach us about the transnational circulation of concepts about identity through their approach to culture.

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