Dr Prof. Ayman Mohamed Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, witnessed the university’s celebrations of Orphan’s Day, organized by the Faculty of Engineering, hosting the orphan care in Port Fouad.
This came in the presence of Dr Prof. Galal Salem, Vice-President for Education and Student Affairs, Dr Prof. Rawya Rizk, Vice- President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr Prof. Hassan Mohamed Hassan, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and Major General Medhat Mardan, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Orphanages in Port Fouad.
At the end of the celebration, the President of the University extended his thanks and appreciation to of Dr Prof. Sami Al-Khouli, the founder of this annual celebration in the faculty. He also greeted the organizers of the celebration from the faculty of Engineering and the Youth Welfare department, then, gifts were distributed to the children spreading an atmosphere of joy to the celebration.