
PSU President on a Visit to the Faculties

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, accompanied with Prof. Dr Gala Salem, vice-president for students and education affairs, checked on the progress of the second term exams at the faculties of education and specific education. The President of the University asserted on the importance of providing every possible facility to the students.   

Winners at Creativity Contest 11th

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, honored the winners at Creativity Contest 11th – Ibdaa . The event was attended by Prof. Dr Galal Salem, vice-president for student and education affairs, and Mr Ihab Abo el- Maaty, head- general of the youth welfare department. Notably to say, the participant teams performed wonderfully under…

Honoring the Winners of the Competitions

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, honored the winners of religious, cultural and creative competitions among the university employees, in the presence of Prof. Dr Galal Salem, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr Hassan Ghattas, Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, Mrs. Samia El Moselhi, Secretary General…

The National Initiative for Smart Green Projects

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, witnessed a symposium on the national initiative for smart green projects, in the presence of Prof. Dr Galal Salem, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr Rawya Rizk, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and Prof. Dr Hassan Ghattas, Vice President for Environmental…

The First Forum for the Graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, witnessed the ceremony of the first graduates forum of the Faculty of Physical Education, in the presence of Prof. Dr Galal Salem, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr Hassan Ghattas, Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, Prof. Dr Ahmed Abdel Qader,…

Visit to East Port Said University

Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, visited East Port Said University, accompanied by Major General Adel Al-Ghadban, Prof. Dr Hassan Ghattas, Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, Prof. Dr Khaled Sabry, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and Ms. Samia El Moselhy, Secretary General of Port Said University. The president…

Supreme Council for Education and Student Affairs 105th

Port Said University hosted Session No. (105) of the Supreme Council for Education and Student Affairs, in the presence of Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, Prof. Dr Mostafa Refaat, Secretary of the Council, Prof. Dr Galal Salem, Vice President of Port Said University for Education and Student Affairs, and gentlemen members…

Iftar Gathering at PSU Dormitory

Port Said University, headed by Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, organized an Iftar gathering for university students, under the supervision and presence of Prof. Dr Galal Salem, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Prof. Dr Khaled Sabry, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, with the participation of Egypt’s Students league.

PSU & the Academy of Scientific Research & Technology

Port Said University, headed by Prof. Dr Ayman Ibrahim, won the support of 15 research student graduation projects from university students, at a value of 836,000 pounds, as part of the program to support graduation projects “My Initial Project” for the academic year 2022/2023, which provides technical support and supervises the implementation of student projects.

Art, Culture & Humanity

Under the auspice of Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, the symposium Art, Culture & Humanity was organized and held at the university theatre.  The symposium was attended by the Artist Mohamed Sobhy, Prof. Dr Galal Salem, vice-president for education and student affairs, Prof. Dr Rawya Rizk, vice-president for postgraduate studies and environmental…