
Celebrating the Closing of the Engineering Day Activities

Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, witnessed the closing of the Engineering Day activities. The celebration was attended by Dr Prof. Atif Alam el- Din, senator, Dr Prof. Rawia Rizq, vice-president for postgraduate studies and scientific research, Dr Prof. Hassan Mohamed Hassan, dean of the faculty of engineering, and the vice-dean of the…

artificial intelligence, brain, think

Artificial Intelligence

Port Said University organizes set of courses on Artificial Intelligence at the faculty of Engineering, for subscription, please click here        

Dormitories 2021-2022

Apply for the dormitory within the period from August 9 till September 7 via the link: https://alzahraa.mans.edu.eg/studentApplications

Electronically Registering the Requests of Aptitude Tests for High School Students

The Ministry of Higher Education announces the commencement of registering the requests of aptitude tests according to the rules issued by the supreme council of universities. The registration is going to start on Saturday, August 7, 2021 till Thursday, August 19, 2021 via the website: www.tansik.egypt.gov.eg


Port Said University argues all students not to interact with rumors spread on social media concerning exams at the faculty of arts. And thus, the university decided to move the exams to the faculty of physical education as a keenness to apply all the precautions during the pandemic. On this concern, the President of the…

Foreign Students Application

Application announcement for foreign students to join Egyptian universities and institutes for the academic year 2021\2022 Visit Click

Reception for the National Projects Committee for Digital Transformation

Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, held a reception for the National Projects Committee for Digital Transformation from the ministry of higher education and the ministry of telecommunication. The committee was under the presidential of Dr Prof. Hesham Farouq, assistant minister of higher education, Dr Ayman Baha, counselor of the minister of higher…

Military Training Off

The military training, supposed to be held on May 8, 2021, has been called off.  

Awards on the 9th Theatre Carnival

Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, and Dr Prof. Galal Salem, vice-president for students and educational affairs, witnessed the closing ceremony of the awarding of the 9th Theater Carnival of Port Said University organized by the general directory of student welfare department within the period from 13 to 23 December. The ceremony was…