
Training Camp for Entrepreneurship 2nd

Under the auspice of Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, the entrepreneurship club is organizing the second training camp” Foreseeing the future of entrepreneurship and future opportunities for work”. The camp is targeting the faculty staff, assistants, researchers, and graduate students. The training is going to take place within the period from September…

Scholarships Opportunities

A video conference is organized to discuss all the newly announced scholarships on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 4: 00 pm. Subscription

Staff Vacancies

Job vacancies for staff and assistants are available now Position& Requirements Form

Seminar on NIPA

On the occasion of celebrating the International Intellectual Property, the National Intellectual Property Academy organizes online seminar on advantages the intellectual property to develop the small projects. Targets: owners of small and medium companies and startups, businessmen, entrepreneurship students Date: Sunday, April 11, 2021 11: 00 am to 1:00 pm Avenue: Online Subscribe:

Master in Accounting Scholarship

INTO program in accounting is provided for students to enroll in the next semester at Illinois University. More details and application

Master in Law Scholarship

A pre- master studies program in law and technology is provided for students to enroll in the next semester at Suffolk University. More details and application

Digital Transformation: First Training

In the frame of the attention paid to the educational process, Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, accompanied with Dr Prof. Rawia Rizq, Chief of Information Office, and Dr Amr al- Atroush, head of training center, witnessed the opening of the first digital transformation basics training. The training was attended bythe coordinators Dr…

Online Seminar

Under the auspice of Dr Prof. Ayman Mohamed Ibrahim- President of the University, an online seminar is organized on “Self- Development Skills and the Creation of a Scientific Research Personality”. The seminar is lectured by Dr Prof.  Abou Ella Hassanien, founder and head of Egypt Scientific Research College and professor at Computer and Artificial Intelligence…

6th International Conference of the Faculty of Nursing

Under the presidential of Dr Prof. Khalid Abdul Ghafar, minister of higher education and research, Sir Major General Adel Al Ghadban, governor of Port Said, and Dr Prof. Ayman Mohamed Ibrahim, president of Port Said University, the 6th international conference of the faculty of nursing, was held this morning. The conference was in collaboration with…

Documents and papers required to apply for postgraduate studies for Egyptian students

To apply for postgraduate studies at one of the faculties of Port Said University, Egyptian students need to submit the following papers and documents: 1- Application for enrollment (a form requested from the Department of Graduate Studies in the College).2- Birth certificate.3- Four (4) personal photos (4 × 6).4- Position on military service.5- The approval…