Dr Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, announced the selection of presidents and vice presidents of the boards of trustees of 5 private universities (Assiut National University, East Port Said Private University, New Ismailia Private University, Mansoura Private University, Minya Private University).
The Board of Trustees of East Port Said National University chose Eng. Ibrahim Mehleb, former Prime Minister and former Minister of Housing, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Dr Atef Alam El-Din, former Acting President of Port Said University and member of the Senate, as Vice-Chairman of the Council.
The Board of Trustees of Assiut National University also chose Dr Mohamed Awad Taj El-Din, advisor to the President of the Republic for Health and former Minister of Health, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr Wael El-Dagwi, former Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as Vice-Chairman of the Council, and Dr Mohamed Abdel Samie Eid, former President of Assiut University, as Secretary of the Council.
The Board of Trustees of the New Ismailia National University chose Lieutenant General Osama Rabie, Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr Sami Hashem, Chairman of the Education and Scientific Research Committee of the House of Representatives, as Vice-Chairman of the Council, and Dr Ibrahim Hassan Ali Al-Qarsh, former Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Suez Canal University, as Secretary for the council.
The Board of Trustees of Mansoura National University chose Dr Ahmed Abdel Khaleq, the former Minister of Higher Education, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Dr Kamal Gad Sharoyim, the former Governor of Dakahlia, as Vice Chairman of the Council.
The Board of Trustees of Minya National University chose Chancellor Abdel Wahab Abdel Razek, President of the Senate, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Library of Alexandria, as Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Dr Ahmed Shawky Muhammad Zahran, former Vice President of Minya University and Director of the University’s Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center, as Secretary for the council.