PSU President Participation in the Youth Initiative

Prof. Dr Sherif Saleh, President of Port Said University, participated in the celebration held under the patronage and in the presence of His Excellency Major General Moheb Habashi, Governor of Port Said, which was organized by Ms Samah El Gohary, Coordinator of the initiative “With Youth We Can” in Port Said on the occasion of the celebration of the National Day of the Governorate under the title “Brave Port Said: A History of Heroism and the Future of Achievements”, in the presence of Eng. Amr Othman, Deputy Governor, Representative Adel El Lamei, Member of the Senate and Head of the Port Said Navigation Chamber, Captain Ali Asem, Head of the Central Administration of East Port Said Port, sons of the heroes of 56, families of martyrs of the Armed Forces, a group of executive and popular leaders in the governorate, and the initiative’s secretaries.