Meeting with Members of the Marine Salon in Port Said

In the framework of social communication with civil society, Prof. Dr Sherif Saleh, President of Port Said University, received a delegation from the Marine Salon in Port Said, including Mr Mohamed Gabr, tourism expert, Major General Dr Mohamed Anani, former Director of Ismailia Security, former Mr Sami Al-Rashidi, Engineer Amir Al-Akyabi, accountant Magdy Al-Naqeeb, head of the Port Said Commercial Syndicate, Dr Weam Othman, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Commerce for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Major General Ibrahim Azab, and banking expert Mr Sabry Al-Makkawi, to congratulate the university president on his assumption of the presidency of Port Said University.   The University President welcomed the university guests from the members of the marine salon and stressed that the university welcomes cooperation with businessmen and industrialists. At the end of the meeting, the delegation of the Maritime Salon expressed its appreciation to the President of the University and his team, and praised his enlightened thinking through partnership with international universities and the new vision for the advancement and progress of the university.