International Anti-Corruption Day

Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, the vice-president, the deans, and the general secretaries participated in the celebration of the International Anti-Corruption Day. The celebration was held on the 9th December under the presidential of Sir Major General Walid Magdy, head of the administrative control authority, and was attended by Sir Major General Adel Al Ghadban, governor of Port Said, Sir lieutenant Ahmad Hamdy, member of the administrative control authority, and Sir Lieutenant Omar Osama, member of the administrative control authority. On this occasion, the President of the University announced that the university is about to sign mutual cooperation protocol with the administrative control authority. At the end of the celebration, the president of the University awarded the president of the administrative control authority the university shield as an appreciation for the role played by the authority to maintain the discipline and preserve assets and funds of the society.