Digital Transformation Support

In the framework of cooperation between Port Said University and the Digital Transformation Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr Prof. Ayman Mohamed Ibrahim, President of Port Said University, held a reception today for the delegation from the Digital Transformation Unit headed by Eng. Nasser Al-Amir, Director of the Digital Transformation Unit, and in the presence of Dr Prof. Rawya Rizk, Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and Dr Prof. Mona Nasr, a digital transformation consultant at the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr Prof. Islam Shaalan, Executive Director of Information at the University, Dr Emad Al-Sayed, director of the administrative systems project at the university, Dr Mona Nashat, project manager of the electronic portal project at the university, Dr Amr al-Atrush, director of the training project at Port Said University, in addition to industry partners from Amazon International and its representative, Dr Azza El-Shennawy, director of the company in Egypt, the accompanying team and the directors of information systems at the university. During the meeting, aspects of cooperation were discussed with the aim of transferring the successful experiences that have been cooperated on a global level to Port Said University, including the university’s website according to international standards and the service of the smart academic assistant that helps in the educational process as academic guidance.