
The President of the University at the SCU

The supreme council of universities held the monthly meeting at Helwan University on Monday, November 22, 2021. The meeting was held under the presidential of Dr Prof. Khalid Abdul Ghafour, minister of higher education and scientific research, and was attended by Dr Prof. Mohamad Latif, chairman for the supreme council of universities, and presidents of…

3rd Training Camp of the Entrepreneurship Club at Port Said University

Under the auspice of Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, and Dr Prof. Rawia Rizq, vice-president for postgraduate studies and scientific research, the Entrepreneurship Club is organizing the third training camp ‘ Generating Ideas’ on Thursday, November 25, 2021 at the university theater in Port Fouad.  

National Initiative for Equal Educational Opportunities for All

Previous Next   In the frame of the cooperation between Port Said University under the presidential of Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, and the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Orman Association, the celebration was held for the National Initiative for Equal Educational Opportunities for All. The celebration was attended by Dr Prof. Galal Salem, vice-president for…

Vaccination Card….. Is a Must

Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, praises the commitment of the university body to the instructions issued by Dr Mustafa Madbuly, Prime Minister, and Dr Prof. Khalid Abdul Ghafar, minister of higher education and scientific research, regarding not permitting any university affiliated from entering the university campus without proof of receiving the vaccine…

E- Military Training… Stopped

The Minister of Defense issued the following: The online military training is not function Attendance is a must in military training with consideration to precaution procedures

Port Said On Top Of the Community Initiatives

Dr Prof.  Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, submits sincere congratulations to Dr Prof. Galal Salem, vice-president for education and student affairs, on the occasion of winning the first level on the universities in the students’ union and being one of the best five universities in Egypt.  The representatives from the students are:  Abdul Fattah…

Celebrating the Closing of the Engineering Day Activities

Dr Prof. Ayman Ibrahim, president of the university, witnessed the closing of the Engineering Day activities. The celebration was attended by Dr Prof. Atif Alam el- Din, senator, Dr Prof. Rawia Rizq, vice-president for postgraduate studies and scientific research, Dr Prof. Hassan Mohamed Hassan, dean of the faculty of engineering, and the vice-dean of the…

artificial intelligence, brain, think

Artificial Intelligence

Port Said University organizes set of courses on Artificial Intelligence at the faculty of Engineering, for subscription, please click here        

Dormitories 2021-2022

Apply for the dormitory within the period from August 9 till September 7 via the link: https://alzahraa.mans.edu.eg/studentApplications