Under the auspice of Prof. Dr Maya Morsi, Minister of Social Solidarity, and Mr Prof. Dr Sherif Saleh, President of the University, and Prof. Dr Mohamed El-Aqabi, Assistant Minister of Social Solidarity and General Coordinator of Social Solidarity Units in Egyptian Universities, and Mr Prof. Dr Wael Shandi, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Therapy, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr Ahmed Bayoumi, Supervisor of the General Administration of Student Care, the Ministry of Social Solidarity initiative Combating Violence Against Women was held on Monday 16/12/2024 at the Faculty of Physical Therapy. Prof. Dr Nahed Abdel Azim, Faculty of Nursing, lectured in the presence of the students.
Coordination: Ms. Lamia Younis – Coordinator of the Social Solidarity Unit at Port Said University. Mr. Mohamed Ashraf – Awareness Officer at the Social Solidarity Unit at Port Said University.
With the participation of the Students for Egypt Family.
Follow-up and supervision by: Mr Ibrahim Mortada El-Nems – Director of the Social Activity Department at the University